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Body Contouring

IPL Photofacial

Vivace Laser RF Microneedling



$ 199

Choose from our Rejuvenation Microneedling Facial or Traditional Skin Pen Microneedling to boost collagen, enhance texture, and reveal a revitalized complexion.

Body Contouring


Free Consultation




$ 550+

Laser liposuction is at the forefront of medical technology, and the fantastic results are the reason why! Laser lipo is a minimal-downtime cosmetic procedure that uses a warm laser to melt away obstinate fat under the skin. Using a new technology called laser lipolysis, the laser dissolves the more stubborn fat underneath the skin. The concept of laser lipo is to have the results of liposuction without the discomfort, downtime, or incisions. If your goal is to spot-treat fat loss, this might be your solution because it is one of the only ways to spot-treat fat loss. The Procedure

Laser liposuction itself is painless. It is said that the laser feels warm, and in some moments, tingly. The provider administers the laser to the area and treats the targeted areas with laser energy. You might experience some slight soreness for a day or two. Additionally, the fat that is removed in laser lipo is melted and then processed through your metabolism by natural means and is not suctioned out. This also reduces the risk of complications. The whole procedure itself typically only lasts approximately 30 minutes, depending on the areas you are treating. Most who have gone through this procedure do not find it unpleasant with a time to just lay down, relax & melt the inches away!

All parts of the body that store fat can be treated. The most common, however, are the abdomen, waistline, thighs, arms, jawline and under the chin. When you go for your first consultation, most providers will assess your health and any conditions you may have before agreeing to perform the procedure. In certain circumstances, the provider may refuse to do the work because it poses a threat to your overall health. A good example would be someone suffering from anorexia, or someone with a heart condition. The significance of it is that you should be targeting stubborn fat, not mass fat loss. The idea is to have the concern of “problem areas” instead of overall weight loss. Laser liposuction is specifically intended to help you start to ease those problem areas!

IPL Photofacial

IPL Photofacial

$ 199

Our Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment targets various skin concerns, from pigmentation to redness, leaving you with a more even-toned and radiant complexion.

Vivace Laser RF Microneedling

Laser Vein Reduction

$ 0

Skin RX Scottsdale has state-of-the-art laser treatments to diminish or eliminatevaricose veins. We believe that every individual deserves our utmost attention andshould not be confined to one set treatment protocol.

Vivace Laser RF Microneedling

$ 499

Experience the power of our Vivace Laser RF Microneedling service, combining precision laser technology with radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production and tighten skin.